(16:12:27) danix111: nooooooo I missed F06 (16:13:39) danix111: seems that I didn't miss anything because barely hearing anything on the 1410z slot (16:13:45) danix111: null as always (16:14:01) aardman: danix as always (16:16:13) danix111: ? (16:16:40) aardman: always listening to F06, even though it never sends (16:19:01) IvoSchwarz: 14:20 in a minute ​F06 ​13373kHz RTTY http://freq.ml/13371 (16:19:17) aardman: 1337? (16:19:25) aardman: whoa (16:19:29) aardman opustil místnost (quit: Quit: Leaving). (16:20:03) režim (+o danix111) od ChanServ (16:20:11) režim (+b *!*@* od danix111 (16:20:14) režim (-o danix111) od danix111 (16:20:16) danix111: banning another toto vpn (16:20:25) danix111: this guy is exhausting (16:21:25) ***Severak facepalm (16:22:06) EG_Work: https://scontent-bru2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11990534_951805731545104_7089955446976996842_n.jpg?oh=b89a9f1d657d4faa591c256ce35a887d&oe=56A855FC (16:22:38) ufo-dzr opustil místnost (quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds). (16:26:27) danix111: and he said he's "done with trolling in general" (16:26:29) danix111: hypocrite (16:31:04) EG_Work: When will he grow up.. (16:40:07) qsr711Mobile: Didn't he send us via irccloud a photo with a peacock with a message at the bottom? (16:42:07) qsr711Mobile: Hoping that linkfanel is just fucking with us :'((.. But here's a last one for the week, at least for that identity. Bye all :(. http://i.imgur.com/raRNCFU.jpg (16:42:18) danix111: what's with the islamophobic memes everywhere recently